Roaming copies of our books

Nowhere Press is scattering paperback copies into the wild (mostly around a handful of cities in the Pacific Northwest) for people to find and read.

‘Unthreaded’ and ‘Farewell, Everything’ book covers

Copies of both Unthreaded (2022) by H.B. Cavalier and Farewell, Everything (2019) by Véva Perala are on the loose. Please join us in this literary geocaching game!

Did you find a copy of Unthreaded?

Since May 2022, we have distributed 90+ paperback copies of this surreal historical fiction novella for free. If you found one, please log it to let us know!

See roaming copies

Did you find a copy of Farewell, Everything?

Since December 2019, we have distributed 180+ paperback copies of this dark magical realism novel for free. If you found one, please log it to let us know!

See roaming copies